Training Schedule

Teachers interested in delivering Project 11 in their classrooms for the first time are asked to complete either the Manitoba Registrant form or the Out of Province Registrant form below. The Out of Province form will direct you to a payment system to collect the $80.00 training fee now requested from teachers outside of Manitoba.  All teachers will have the option of choosing an in-person training session or a virtual training session from the dates indicated. When registrants are attending a school or divisionally organized session, they are to select the applicable option in the TRAINING DATE section and simply indicate the session date and organizing school or division in the COMMENTS section.

Once a Registrant form has been submitted, applicants will immediately receive a pop-up confirmation message.

Please note: Access to the curriculum will follow shortly after teachers have attended their chosen training session.

If you’re interested in scheduling a training session specifically for your school or division, please reach out to [email protected] to make arrangements!

Virtual Training

The Project 11 virtual training option is provided monthly via Zoom online conferencing at no cost to Manitoba teachers.

All registered applicants can expect to receive a session link via email, a day or two before their chosen training date.

Additional sessions are being added regularly!

10:00 - 11:45AM CT
K to 12
3:45 - 5:30PM CT
K to 12
11:00 - 12:45PM CT
K to 12
11:00 - 12:45PM CT
K to 12

In-Person Training

The Project 11 in-person training options are generally offered twice annually (October and January/February).

In-person training is also offered at no cost to Manitoba teachers and includes Project 11 giveaways!

All registered applicants can expect to receive additional session information a few days before their chosen session date.

Check back for our next in-person sessions to be held in fall 2024!

Manitoba Registrant

Teacher training for registrants in Manitoba is free.

Access to the curriculum is granted after attending training.

Contact Name is required
Invalid Email, proper format "[email protected]" Email is required
School Name is required
School Division is required
School Phone is required

Grade Level is required
School Address is required
City is required
School Principal's Name is required

Please select one of the above online training options. The Project 11 team will be in touch a day or two before your chosen session, with a meeting code.
Training Dates is required

Please confirm which subject areas you are delivering the program through: is required

Language(s) in which you will deliver Project 11 is required

How did you learn about Project 11? is required

Username is required
Create Your Own Password is required
Confirm Password is required


>> HINT: The password should be at least seven characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).
  Check to Enable

Out of Province Registrant

This form is for registrants outside of the province of Manitoba in Canada.

After completing the Out of Province Registration form you will be directed to a payment page.

Teacher training for registrants outside Manitoba is $80 per registrant.

Access to the curriculum is granted after attending teacher training.

Contact Name is required
Invalid Email, proper format "[email protected]" Email is required
School Name is required
School Phone is required

Grade Level is required
School Address is required
City is required

School Principal's Name is required

Please confirm which subject areas you are delivering the program through: is required

Language(s) in which you will deliver Project 11 is required

How did you learn about Project 11? is required

Username is required
Create Your Own Password is required
Confirm Password is required


>> HINT: The password should be at least seven characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).
  Check to Enable