A variety of photos, videos, and articles to use in your classrooms.

- Summit 2018 Excitement
- Summit 2018 Audience
- Summit 2018 Player Ambassadors
- Summit 2018 Orlesky, Little, Ehlers
- Summit 2018 Celebrate!
- Summit 2018 Zinger
- Filming- Fun with Food
- Filming- Indigenous Dance
- Filming- Laughing Yoga
- Filming- Music & Rhythm
- Filming- Post-Game Reflections
- Filming- Lesson videos
- Plays of the Week!
- Classroom visit- Mark Stuart
- Ms. Blacker's class

- Big goals, bigger assists
- Project 11 teacher testimonial
- Project 11 inspires self-acceptance
- P11 expands to early years students
- P11 launches pilot for Grades K-4
- Solving problems through mindfulness
- Comrie and Little visit local classrooms
- Love Struck Pucks for Project 11
- Inaugural P11 Summit for mental wellness
- $10,000 grant from Bell Let’s Talk
- P11 Brings Mental Health Strategies
- Hockey Talks returns February 28th
- Project 11 Launches into the Fall
- Project 11 Takes Nashville
- Project 11 2016/17 Launch
- Project 11 update
- Encouraging Positive Behaviours
- Project 11 Takes Churchill
- 2019 Project 11 Mental Wellness Summit
- P11 Mental Wellness Summit - Expands
- Project 11 and #HockeyTalks
- Project 11 - Jets Town Takeover
- Craig Heisinger - Fire & Ice Gala
- I Am Love Project
- Students Organize Project 11 Fundraiser
- 2019 Golf 4 Project 11
- Meaningful Masks
- Project 11 Virtual Mental Wellness Summit
- Teachers Make Mental Wellness A Habit
- A hop, skip & a jump
- Value amid COVID-19 pandemic
- Creating a classroom community
- Jets players donate prize money
- Project 11 Check-In with Don Amero
- We're in this together
- Building Stronger Classrooms
- 2020 Golf 4 Project 11
- Project 11 Teachers' Commitment